Special Offer
As the leading provider of quality towing service, we at Bouchard Towing Chandler are capable of handling different car types. From sedans, SUVs to motorcycles and campers, we can handle it.

Our Services
Auto Recovery Service
Our technicians are trained to even work under severe weather conditions, allowing fast extraction of your car.
Medium Duty Towing
When cars are the problem, you can depend on our Medium duty tow trucks to give the assistance you need.
Jumpstart Service
We at towing Chandler AZ will assess the situation and will inform you of what needs to be done.
Winch Out Service
Using the right tow truck and technology, we at towing Chandler AZ can safely pull all manner of vehicles to safety.
Motorcycle Towing
Just like cars, motorcycles needs towing too. At towing Chandler AZ we just got the right towing for you.
Car Lockout Service
We can safely unlock your car and make sure no damage is done to your car’s security system.